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15 positive affirmations for confidence


Gaining confidence is something I have been trying to achieve for most of my life. 


I suppose that makes sense since it isn’t something that happens overnight but rather is a process, one that may take a lifetime to complete. It reminds me of the way the leaves of a fern gently unfurl. Tiny, microscopic changes occur as the plant allows itself to take up more and more space.


That’s how I tend to think of confidence as well – Being bold enough to take up space.


These days it seems like a lot of us (especially women) are doing the opposite. We are shrinking, hiding or worst of all, apologizing for taking up space.


We minimise ourselves and try to avoid making any sort of fuss.


We are so afraid of disappointing people that we prioritise others needs before our own, leaving us burnt out and exhausted.


We want to be these super women who can do it all without even breaking a sweat so we refuse to ask for help or admit when it’s all too much for us to handle.


And we allow ourselves to believe this lie that we can only show up once we are perfect. Because nobody wants to see our mess, our flaws or our imperfections.


“Just as bravery is not the absence of fear, neither is confidence the absence of imperfection.” – Ashton Smith



Recently, having to muster the strength to face people has been a real struggle. My life circumstances have felt overwhelming and having to slap on a cheerful face or make small talk with people outside of my home was simply too much.


I guess I fell into the trap of believing that I could only show up once I was perfect too.


In my head, the reason I didn’t want to face the world outside my windows was because I was too messy. I had too much drama going on in my personal life. Everything felt too uncertain and too complicated.


It is easy to blame a lack of confidence on outside circumstances. I tell myself these stories often…


I will feel more confident when I have a full time job

I will feel more confident when I am a married woman. 

I will feel more confident when I have my own house. 


These outside factors glimmer with hope. Surely they will give me the safety and security I need to be myself in this world. 


If I just figure out what I am going to do with my life, if I just have a place of my own to come home to, then I’m sure I’ll be brimming with confidence. 


But the truth is that life is filled with uncertainty. There will always be room for us to grow into and that will always bring doubt and fear. 


And hard as we try to keep all our ducks in a row, life throws curve-balls which make our outside circumstances too unpredictable to base our confidence on.


We won’t gain confidence from external circumstances because confidence comes from within. 


We have to belong to ourselves before we can find belonging anywhere else. We have to feel safe and secure within ourselves rather than looking to find that security in our relationships, job or the home we live in. 


15 positive affirmations for confidence, how to boost your confidence, positive affirmations, self-love affirmations, truth coaches, building confidence, personal growth,


How do we build confidence within ourselves?


That’s the tricky part isn’t it?


Something I have been learning from my counsellor is how to use truth coaches or what I call affirmations for confidence.


Giving ourselves some words or a phrase which helps us to coach our mind to think differently. So that instead of dwelling on our doubt, fear or lack we can be reminded of the truth.


Building confidence within requires us to start thinking about ourselves differently.


We have to acknowledge that we have flaws and weaknesses but we shouldn’t let them hold us back.


Confidence is leaning into your strengths, showing up despite your weaknesses and recognising the places where you can grow.


And let me tell you, these affirmations have made a world of difference for me. As I repeat them in my head or write them out in my journal I can feel something shifting inside me.


These words carry truth and that is powerful.


Most of my insecurities stem from feeling like I am not good enough and don’t quite measure up. So these affirmations are what I have been using to counteract those negative thoughts.


If you feel like you aren’t enough or need to change something about yourself before you will be worthy of belonging then I encourage you to start speaking these words to yourself.


I hope they will give you the courage to face whatever today brings…


15 positive affirmations for confidence:


One. Nobody knows what it is like to be me.


Two. I am incomparable, I am one of a kind.


Three. I am fine the way that I am.


Four. I don’t need to be anyone else.


Five. I bring value to this world.


Six. Everyone likes me here unless they say they don’t.


Seven. No one can make me feel inferior.


Eight. I am the author of my story.


Nine. My opinions, feelings and ideas are valid.


Ten. I will not stress about things I cannot control.




Eleven. I don’t have to be perfect, I just have to be me.


Twelve. I believe in myself and my abilities.


Thirteen. I am deserving of my dreams.


Fourteen. I am great at what I do.


Fifteen. I am proud of myself.


If you like these then take a look at my post: 25 self love affirmations.


Leave a comment below and let me know which of these affirmations for confidence stood out to you the most.

How to be confident even when you feel afraid and unsure of yourself



I wish I was one of those people who boldly jumped at the chance to try something new. I wish I felt the thrill of adrenaline and chased rampantly after adventure. I wish was braver, brighter and more exciting. I wish I knew how to be confident.


But time and time again, I am reminded that I’m not a thrill-seeker and confidence doesn’t come naturally to me.


The other day I went mountain biking for the very first time. I jiggled and bounced my way along the tracks, gripping onto the handlebars for dear life. The entire time, telling myself I was going to fall off or my brakes would fail and I’d be grievously hurt.


I felt ridiculous for going so slowly and even more ridiculous for having to stick to the kiddie track because the others sounded too terrifying.


It seems that whenever I try to do something new or scary, my mind is flooded with insecurities and I feel so awfully ashamed.


I feel frustrated with myself for being so afraid of everything. I feel guilty for slowing everyone else down. I feel stupid for needing to stop or for crying when I feel overwhelmed.


I churn these thoughts over and over in my head until I feel totally battered and bruised. As soon as I find the confidence to step out, shame pulls me right back.

This shame is so deeply entrenched in me I don’t even know where to look to begin excavating it.


I watch other people stride confidently through life and I wonder why I can’t do the same.


Why do I hold myself back and hinder my own progress? Why do I believe I am always going to fail? Why do I whisper the worst possible outcome to myself so that I walk in trembles rather than strides?


I’ve considered that maybe this is just a part of my personality or the way that I was raised. Always cautious and much happier to observe than participate.


But I think there is something more to it than that.


I think what I need to learn is how to be confident. How to hold onto that steadfast belief that I CAN do it if only I try. Shame has taken every smidgen of self-belief and squeezed it out of me.


building confidence, how to be confident, boost your confidence, shame, feeling afraid, fear, self love, self acceptance, personal growth, personal development, encouragement


The reason my friends zoomed out on to the ice this past weekend when we went skating, while I held on fiercely to the railing is because they believed in themselves, and I didn’t.


They’ve done it before and they knew that they could do it again. They weren’t afraid of falling because they knew they were perfectly capable of composing themselves and getting right back up again if they did.


They had confidence in themselves.


I, on the other hand, saw the slippery ice and felt the thin blade on my shoes wobble beneath me and I was absolutely certain that I would fall straight on my face and make a spectacle of myself.


Every time, what trips me up is that little lingering voice of negativity. The one that tells me I can’t do it, that I’m not safe and if I try, I’m going to fail. It is the fear of falling that terrifies me and stops me from jumping in.


The bravest thing I can do is hear that voice but go anyway. Give it my best effort, show up even though I’m afraid, try even though I might fail.


I think that’s what we often get wrong about courage.


Confidence might be flashy, impressive or pretty to look at but courage usually isn’t. Most often, courage looks like simply showing up. Actually doing the brave thing, even though it scares us.


It reminds me of the lyrics from a song in ‘The Sound of Music’…


“I have confidence in sunshine
I have confidence in rain
I have confidence that spring will come again!
Besides, which you see
I have confidence in me!”


I want that so very much. Even if I look from the outside like I’m shaking. Even if I’m quiet as a mouse and the last to jump on my bike. Besides what you see, I want to have confidence in me.


I want to back myself. I want to give myself the credit I deserve. I want to feel proud of who I am and what I do.


I don’t want shame to cloud my vision or make me feel inferior anymore.


So I’m learning how to be confident…


I’m starting with working on my mindset. Replacing those negative thoughts with brighter ones. Telling myself that I CAN do it and I AM strong enough and I’m brave even just for trying.


Then I’m going to push myself to do even more. I’ll fill my life with more adventure, more excitement, more of the things that make me feel a little bit shaky but incredibly alive afterwards.


So that shame finally realises that I am not one to be messed with. I won’t let it stop me from living fully.


And lastly, no matter what, I won’t give up.

Even if it takes me three times around the ice rink holding onto the sides before I let go. Even if I have to hold someone’s hand the entire time or if I have to stick to the kiddie track and cry a little bit because I’m afraid.


I’ll keep on trying until eventually, I succeed. Until at last I find that confidence that’s buried deep within me.


I’ve let shame get the best of me for too long.


I have allowed it to throw shadows over my dreams and batter my self esteem until I’m too afraid to even try.


Regardless of how many times someone might tell you, you are brilliant or lovely or wonderfully talented, there is still that one voice which tells you otherwise.


But I think it’s time we start believing what everyone else says about us. We are brave, we are strong and we CAN do it if we will only try.


Besides what you see…I have confidence in me.