All Posts By:

Megan Hallier

How to be happier: finding joy in your ordinary life



Do you ever get that feeling of discontentment with your life? That itchy, scratchy feeling of wanting to GET OUT NOW. Wanting something bigger and better than what you have at the moment. 


It’s a wonderful thing to be filled with ambition and to chase after your big dreams. We shouldn’t limit ourselves or be satisfied with living a small, mediocre life. 


There is a whole wide world out there of possibilities to explore and places to experience. 


A dream for the future isn’t a bad thing.


But if your dream leaves you constantly feeling a little lacklustre then perhaps you need to be reminded of the good in your everyday life. 


Hopefully, one day you’ll be able to travel the world, or start your own designer shoe label or own your own home but your life doesn’t start THEN, it starts right NOW


I’m terrible at living in the now, I spend most of my time longing for the not yet. Waiting for all those hopes and dreams to be fulfilled before I start living fully. 


It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking everything will work out once you have x, y or z. We think this way so often. We believe we’ll be happy once we’ve lost weight or moved houses or had a kid.


The thing is, that may or may not be true. And it would be an awful shame to get that thing only to realise that you still aren’t happy.


That’s why we need to learn how to be happier and content with our life right now, exactly as it is.


how to be content with your ordinary life, finding contentment, being present, mindfulness, living in the now, simple living, love your life, how to be happy now, happiness tips, live slow, living intentionally, how to be happier


I know it can be hard to be satisfied with your everyday life because it can feel terribly ordinary and unbelievably dull.


It isn’t glamorous to be sitting behind a desk all day or scrubbing coffee stains off your white shirt that you just washed. But the thing is, for most of us that is what our everyday life looks like. 


I think part of the problem is that we get this skewed view of what normal life looks because of what we see on social media. People are always posting glamour shots of their most recent holiday or the party they went to on the weekend and we translate that as their everyday life. 


But in reality, nobody is on holiday or partying all the time. Real life is full of boring, mundane moments. 


So the trick is finding the good in those moments. Making the most of our everyday. Choosing to live right now instead of waiting for the next big thing.  



How to be happier with your life right now


Make every day special


Do you have those things that you store away in cupboards and only bring out on “special occasions?


I mostly do this with clothes. I have this pair of sparkly, silver shoes which I absolutely adore. My mum calls them my ‘Wizard of Oz’ shoes because they make me look like Dorothy.


But I often stop myself from wearing these shoes because I feel like they might be a little too jazzy for everyday wear.


Isn’t that stupid? I think we need to make every day a special occasion. Every day is a perfect day to wear your favourite sparkly shoes or drink from your best teacups.




Indulge your passions


We all have those things that we are obsessed with (maybe even to an embarrassing extent.) I think it is a shame that we spend so much time trying to fit in and avoid being weird or quirky or interesting.


If you want to know how to be happier with your life, try simply allowing yourself to indulge in your passions. To be as weird or geeky or girly as we please.


To be proud of exactly who we are and to just love what we love without shame.


Let go of ‘shoulds’. 


Life can be especially draining if you are stuck doing something you hate just because it is what you believe you “should” be doing.


I think life is too short to live in submission to ‘shoulds’. 


I spent three years at university studying science because I thought it was what I should be doing and I was completely miserable.

The sooner you realise you are in charge of your life and can do whatever it is you please, the better!


The only things we should be filling our days with are the things we love.

We shouldn’t go to a concert with our friend just because we feel obliged to. We shouldn’t take the job just because it’s what our parents wanted us to do. We shouldn’t join that yoga class we hate just because we need to exercise more.


Saying NO is okay. Having an opinion is okay. Doing what you think is best for YOU is okay.


Practice gratitude


The greatest way you can learn how to be happier with your life right now is just to start noticing all the good that is already in your life.


When you actually take the time to note down all the little things that make you smile each day you’ll find there is a great deal to be thankful for in your ordinary life.


I’m a big fan of writing my happy-thank-you-more-please notes down in a journal so I can remember them now and look back on them later.



There are always going to be dull moments in our lives. We are always going to have to do boring, maintenance jobs because that is part of being an adult.


But that doesn’t mean our lives have to be ordinary. Your life is what you choose to make it.


Are you going to live a drab, dreary, humdrum life or are you going to choose to be happy today?

Mindful eating: 5 simple ways to be present while you eat



Food plays such an important role in our lives. It is our source of life. It is what sustains us, helps to heal us and is the very building blocks our cells are made of. 


Food is what we plan and divide our days by. Food is a place of connection for us, a link to the past and a way of breaking down the barriers that languages and social conventions create.


As a nutritionist, I see food as a fuel source but as a poet, I see it as a thread that runs throughout our lives, rippling and twisting as it enriches and nourishes us.



Food is so intertwined with our everyday lives that over time we can forget its significance and true joy. Eating is something we do at least three times a day and yet, a lot of us seem to struggle with it.


Most of us are very good at eating, but what we aren’t so good at is mindful eating.  


We eat meals on the go. We shovel our food down to get the next thing done. We eat in front of the TV, at the kitchen bench as we scroll through our phone, and at our desks while we continue to do our work.  
It’s no surprise then that we feel hungry often, terribly sluggish and crave unhealthy foods to satisfy our appetites.


Most of us have forgotten the way our ancestors lived.


The way they spent their days scouring the land looking for their next meal. The way they gathered together and pooled their resources. The way they cooked over an open fire and ate in the flickering glow of its warmth.

How they sang songs and told stories and stayed beside that fire long after their meal was finished. 


Nowadays, we are always in a hurry, our lives leave no room for such frivolity.

I think we need to make mealtimes an event again.  


We need to return to that place of respect and appreciation for our food. We need to just slow down and enjoy life instead of always rushing on to the next thing. We need to make eating about more than just getting fuel.  


Mindful eating is a celebration of food. An act of  gratitude, an attempt at forging a connection and a search for deeper satisfaction.


It’s about being present while we eat for the sake of our health, our relationships and our general well-being.


mindful eating, how to eat mindfully, how to practice mindful eating, intentional eating, intuitive eating, being present, living intentionally, mindfulness, practicing mindfulness, simple living, minimalism


5 simple ways to practice mindful eating


Eat with others


When we have meals with other people we are more likely to make a bigger effort with our food and not just butter some toast and call it dinner. 


We tend to take time to prepare something special or at least something that resembles a full meal when we have company.


And we also tend to take our time eating the meal. Conversations meander, glasses are clinked together, stories are shared and laughter flows.

This coming together over a meal leaves us feeling not only satisfied with the food on our plates but also with the wonderful relationships we have in our lives.


Eat slowly


Take the time to appreciate what you are eating. Put down your fork between mouthfuls and chew your food more. 


When we eat slowly, we will often feel fuller sooner and therefore, consume less overall. Something I’ve learnt is that I am generally full long before I stop eating. If you were raised to finish whatever is on your plate then you might keep eating even past the point of feeling full. 


Eating slowly and chewing your food properly allows your body to digest the food easier and helps you to finish eating when you have had enough.


Eat without distractions.


Put your phone away. Turn the TV off. Stop reading the newspaper. 


Instead, try lighting a candle, turning on some soft music and focusing on just enjoying your meal. One of the best ways to be present while eating is to actually BE present rather than distracted by social media or the daily news.


An upside to this is that you’ll probably find your food more appealing and more satisfying if you’ve actually been present while eating it. 


Eat good food


Try to eat more fruit and vegetables. Try to eat more food that is fresh, whole and as unprocessed as possible. 


Make an effort with the meals you prepare. Mix it up and try new recipes, cook every recipe in single cookbook, try a cooking challenge. Make your mealtimes more exciting and pleasurable by widening your cooking horizons.


Buy good quality food if you can afford it. Shop at local farmer’s markets and make friends with the people who actually care about the produce they are selling. 


Say grace before meals


My dad has a grace he learnt at boarding school and he recited it every single dinnertime growing up. I know it word for word and although at the time it felt like an annoying impediment between me and the food before me, now I can appreciate its value. 


Even if you aren’t religious saying grace is a lovely practice. It’s as simple as taking a moment to appreciate everyone who took part in producing the food on your plate. Expressing gratitude for their hard work, the precious resources that went into making your meal and the blessing it is that we have food to eat.



The truth is, with our modern lifestyles we can be a bit hopeless when it comes to mindful eating. 


We need to get better at slowing down and making our mealtimes special again. Whether that be trying a new recipe, lighting a candle or inviting friends over to join us. 


Food is about more than just fuel. It’s a celebration of friendship, culture and satisfaction.


If you are looking for more ways to incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life, then check out my 7 days of mindful living challenge.

If you want to add more rest, contentment and satisfaction into your life then this is where you should start. In just a week you’ll learn 7 different areas where mindfulness and intentional living can change your life. 


Mindful eating is just the beginning!

Do you struggle with mindful eating?

How to start now even if you don’t feel ready yet



Ready, set, GO! 


That was how we always started races when I was a kid. There was always a pause, a time to gather ourselves, a clearly defined moment for us to get prepared before we took off down the track. 


We always had that luxury of time to get ready. Nobody expected us to bolt right away or to make the decision as to how ready we were. We were just given the time and then asked to GO. 


It was a lot easier like that. Before our minds got muddled and we got in our own way. 


Before we started questioning if we really are ready, if we really can do it at all. 


Before we let fear get the better of us.


how to start now even if you don't feel ready yet, how to get started, how to stop getting in your own way, facing your fears, chase your dreams, finding courage, being brave, take action


Now I often find myself questioning whether I am ready, whether the timing is right, whether I need more training before I start. 


There isn’t anyone there to shout ready, set, GO for me. The boundaries aren’t so clear cut anymore. 


At the moment, I am looking for a new job and I find myself getting smaller and smaller in the process. With each rejection, my confidence shrinks a tiny bit and I start to tell myself that maybe I’m really just not ready yet. 


I keep waiting for a job to pop up that I know I can do because I’m so afraid of flinging myself into the deep end where I’ll feel incompetent and a total failure. 


I don’t feel ready, I feel paralyzed.


I am frozen to the spot, completely incapable of making such a big life decision.


Should I take a regular 9-5 job or work on my creative pursuits? Should I take a punt on a business idea or go for a stable income? Should I study more or start making some savings?


And I bet a lot of you are in the same boat. Maybe you aren’t looking for a job right now but I’m sure there is something else you’ve been longing to try but you just aren’t sure if you are ready yet.


Perhaps it’s a business idea, a new hobby or something you want to learn. Maybe there is someone you’d love to be friends with or wish could be your mentor. Or it might be a place you’d love to travel to or a new town you’d like to call home.


Whatever it is you’ve always wanted to start, the time to start is right now.



So why do we wait until we feel ready?


Why do we put so much weight on this feeling? Why do we put off doing the things that we know will make us happy?


Because the thing is, if we wait until we feel ready, we might never take the leap. We might never pluck up the courage to move forwards. We might never even try


And the terrible truth is, if we don’t take the leap, we miss out on life


Every exciting, incredible, soul-satisfying possibility is on the other side of fear. 


Fear, that diving board we are teetering on. Fear, the jolting feeling of missing the last step. Fear, that nagging sensation we’ve forgotten something at home.


Fear will always be there. Telling us the timing isn’t right. Making us believe we aren’t good enough. Keeping us stagnant.


But life is too short to miss out on opportunities because we feel afraid. We don’t have the luxury of time to wait until we feel ready, we have to just start now.


How to start now even if you don’t feel ready


Push past your fear


Figure out what the fears are that are preventing you from taking action and address them.


My biggest fears are that I’ll fail or I’ll embarrass myself.


So I am learning to work through these fears by being gentle with myself when I fail. Thereby, creating a positive environment where failure is okay, as long as I learn from it.


I also choose to surround myself with people who will support me regardless of the outcome of my attempts. This means that I can trust them to encourage and stand by me in both my successes and disappointments.


Remove any self-limiting beliefs


What I know from the past is that with most jobs, you learn as you go. You gain the skills you need to perform the job, by doing the job. You figure out if this kind of work is right for you by giving it a go. 


And the same goes for almost anything. You simply learn as you go.


Most of the time, you don’t know if you can do something until you give it a try. 


So don’t allow yourself to believe you aren’t good enough or you don’t have the skills to do something. You can learn!

Instead, speak words of kindness over yourself. Be your own biggest cheerleader. Build yourself up so that you have the confidence to try. Give some of these self love affirmations a go.


Fake it till you make it


This is the constant piece of advice I get from my older friends, the ones who have lived longer and tried to make things happen for themselves more times than I have.


These words have always bugged me before because they are one of those phrases people like to throw around without actually giving you any advice.


But the deal is, if you don’t feel ready yet, then you should act as though you do. Act like you aren’t afraid. Talk with confidence instead of cushioning your words with I thinks, buts and maybes.


Make people believe you are the real deal and keep going until you start to believe you are the real deal too.


If you carry yourself with confidence nobody will question whether you belong or whether you are right. Learning how to be confident is key.


Take small steps forward


It feels terribly overwhelming if you try to face all of your fears and jump head first into your project right away.


So just take it in small steps. It’s okay if all you did today was begin your research or watch a Youtube video or say out loud for the first time that you want to write book.


Small steps are still movement and they provide the initial work required to gain momentum.


Whatever it is that you are dreaming of starting, you absolutely can.


Even now, when you don’t feel ready yet.


You just need to believe in yourself. Invest in yourself. Give yourself the tools, time and space to achieve your goals. And remember, nothing ever happens overnight. Success takes hard work, patience and persistence.

25 self-love affirmations to pick yourself up on bad days



When I think of self love I think self-indulgence,  an enlarged ego and the desperate desire for attention.


I think of all the stereotypes and the critical things people have to say about millennials. I think of the way we are mocked for our participation awards, our inspirational quotes and our obsession with documenting our lives online.


But what they often fail to mention are the pressures millennials face in this modern world.


The massive amounts of debt we incur through student loans, the impossible search for a stable job, the completely unrealistic housing prices and the constant inferiority we feel because of the highlight reel we see from our peers online.


This world squeezes us from every side. It crushes us beneath its weight. It tramples on our dreams and takes delight in leaving us feeling like a failure.


It can be hard to keep your head up against those pounding waves.


It can be a challenge to step into anything new, bold or daring when the way before you is paved with potential failure and an onslaught of “I told you so’s.


self love affirmations, importance of self love, learning to love yourself, be kind to yourself, self care, self compassion, things to remember on bad days, self love quotes, millennial,


I have struggled with self-love for as long as I can remember…


I have fallen into the trap of trying to be like everyone else many times.


I’ve berated myself for my differences and done everything I can to change them. To smother my uniqueness. To stifle my individuality.


However, I have come to realise that my greatest successes always come when I am being my authentic self. But it takes so much courage to live that way. To be unashamed of ourselves and to live without putting up walls that keep people out.


That kind of vulnerability requires incredible inner strength and an abundance of self love.


We have to recognise that in order to thrive in this world we need unshakable confidence in ourselves.


We have to believe in ourselves because we might just be the only one that does.


When you treat yourself with gentleness and compassion you create a safe environment where you have room to be vulnerable, to make mistakes, to try without fear of failing.


That’s what is so great about self love affirmations. They are more tangible. We can say them out aloud, write them down, hang them on our walls.

We can thread them through our lives so that they become part of our vocabulary. A familiar, friendly voice of encouragement.


They can change the way we think and talk about ourselves.


For many people, self-love can seem trivial. A luxury. An indulgence. But I believe that self-love is a necessity. Not a after thought or an add-on, but the one of the things we need most of all.


Self-love is important because it is our foundation


It is the place where we build all our beliefs about ourselves from. It is the difference between having the confidence to say YES or giving into fear and saying NO.


So here are some words of encouragement for you today and every day. For the bad days and the good. Words for you to speak over yourself and let sink deep down into your heart.


May they become part of your vocabulary, the new way you think and feel about yourself.


My dear millennial friends, this is your participation trophy, your pat on the back, your gentle reminder that you are doing a good job. I hope these self love affirmations will give you the confidence you need to face the world.



25 self love affirmations to remember on bad days:


 One. I’m proud of myself for daring to try, most people don’t even do that.


Two. I am not my mistakes, I forgive myself for those.


Three. I deserve love, compassion and empathy from others.


Four. No one is me and that is my super power.


Five. I am learning every single day.


Six. Fear is only a feeling, it will not hold me back.


Seven. I am doing the best I can with what I have.


Eight. I choose to stop apologizing for being myself.


Nine. I am free to make my own choices and decisions.


Ten. I will only surround myself with people who bring out the best in me.


Eleven. I will not compare myself to others.


Twelve. I am allowed to feel whatever emotions I do.




Thirteen. I will not be controlled by my emotions, I am in control.


Fourteen. I don’t need to be impressive to anyone else.


Fifteen. I will treat my body with respect.


Sixteen. I am leaving the past behind me.


Seventeen. I am capable of handling whatever comes in the future.


Eighteen. I will be patient with myself as I grow.


Nineteen. I am grateful for my uniqueness I will not be ashamed of it.


Twenty. I accept I have weaknesses but they do not define me.


Twenty one: My vulnerability is my greatest strength.


Twenty two: I am proud of everything I have achieved so far.


Twenty three: I am a creative person when I give myself the chance to be.


Twenty four: I will take things one step at a time.


Twenty five: I am enough just as I am.


“I once was afraid of people saying ‘who does she think she is’ now I have the courage to stand and say ‘this is who I am.” Oprah Winfrey


If you would like to have a copy of each of these affirmations (like the image above) to stick on your bathroom mirror or fridge or bedside table… I’ve made a PDF document you can download and print out.


Just fill in your details below and it’s all yours!


What self love affirmations would you add to my list?

How to slow down and enjoy life without feeling guilty



The lazy sunlight yawns through the partly opened curtains. 

I pour the coffee grounds into the pot followed by the boiling water.  


Three stirs to the left, then three to the right.  

The motions of my mornings, slow and serene.  


I hop from foot to foot as I wait for the coffee to brew.  

I take delight in the effort of plunging, the delicious anticipation. 


Gently I tip the coffee into my cup, inhaling to alertness.   

It’s deep and bold and makes me feel ever-so-slightly dizzy.  


I sit and sip and peruse the newspaper.  

Finding rest in the gentle morning’s embrace.  



My father is one of those people who just cannot sit still. No matter what, it always seems as though he is on a mission. He has an admirable dose of determination and a laser focus like no other.


I know for sure that it is him I inherited this particular trait from. It is him that I blame for my obsession with to-do lists and my antsy-pantsy need to get every, single task done.


We are like bees, buzzing so quickly from one job to another that if you blink you might just miss us.


But for every doer there is a thinker. A brake that causes us to decelerate. An anchor that keeps us moored to the shore.


They are the ones who urge us to stop for a lunch break. Who remind us that night time is for sleeping. Who will gently bring us back to rest when we are whirling around like spinning tops.


My boyfriend is one of those people.


He knows how to slow down and enjoy life. It comes naturally to him in a way it never has to me, so we often are at odds with one another.


We are forces pulling in opposite directions. We are a paradox. An unstoppable force meeting an immovable object…that’s us.

how to slow down and enjoy life, slow down, simple living, slow living, mindfulness, practicing mindfulness in everyday life, how to relax, work life balance, stop hustling, finding rest, self care tips, how to practice self care


But I am learning how to slow down and enjoy life right now, in this very moment. I am learning how to sit still without thinking of my to-do list.


I am learning to find peace in those quiet moments and to practice patience in those painfully slow moments.


“Like a hummingbird, we aspire to hover and to savor each moment as it passes, embrace all that life has to offer and to celebrate the joy of everyday.” – Papyrus  


I’m terrified that because of my nature, because it isn’t often that I’m not in a hurry, I could end up missing out on life.


I could get so caught up in getting tasks done that I actually wouldn’t take the time to enjoy the seconds and minutes that life is made up of.


The irony is that sometimes I try so hard to make a moment memorable that I actually miss out on the enjoyment of the moment which is the very thing that makes it memorable.


But how do we become hummingbirds? Able to hover and rest in the moment.


How do we actually slow down and enjoy life?


Create a done list  


A list of the things you have achieved for each day or that week.


I often find that I can’t stop because I feel that slowing down means I am unproductive. And there is not much I dislike more than feeling lazy and unproductive.


So an easy way to get around that feeling is to prove to yourself that you have been productive. That’s where the ‘done’ list comes in. This means you can enjoy your time off because you know you have already worked hard and earned it.


Make time for it


Schedule that slow, restful time in your diary.


It might sound absurd to someone who is laid-back and doesn’t need to schedule time for rest. But for those of us who can’t sit still, having time set aside for relaxing can be the only way we will actually remember to do it.


Sit still or meditate


I’ve never been so great at meditation because my mind tends to wander and start working instead of resting.


I’m trying to get to the point where I absolutely clear my head and can rest there, but for now I find simply sitting still and absorbing the scene around me is all I need to escape for awhile. This brings my focus back to being present in that moment.


Again, this might sound excessive to some, but maybe try setting an alarm at random points throughout the day and for a minute just pause and take in what’s before you.


Notice the sights, smells and sounds. Be aware of how you are feeling at that moment and consider if there is anything you could do to make yourself feel better.


Do something just for fun

When you get stuck in cycle of constant productivity you don’t tend to leave a lot of time for goofing around. In fact, when other people try to get you to have fun it often ends in an irritated squabble.


One of the best skills to have is the ability to be adaptable. You can work on your flexibility by doing things just because they are fun.


Everything doesn’t need to have an ultimate purpose or a goal for you to achieve, some things (the best things) are simply just fun to do.


Be patient with yourself

Most of all you have to recognise that learning how to slow down and enjoy life isn’t always easy. As we move through life we will always be learning so we have to be kind to ourselves and extend grace where it is needed.


We might not always have as much patience as we wish we did. We might get frustrated by those who put on the brakes and slow us down. We might keep going and going until we burnout.


Eventually we will get to a place where slowing down comes naturally to us.


“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…including you.” – Anne Lamott

Do you struggle with feeling guilty for slowing down?

13 super easy ways to make your life a little simpler



A year or so ago I watched theMinimalism documentary. And from that point on I have become increasingly more aware of my consumption habits. To be honest, after watching the film I felt terribly ashamed and embarrassed about the way I had been carelessly allowing clutter to fill up my home and life.


I was in this continuous cycle of purchasing and discarding. Searching for newer and better things to replace the perfectly good items I already owned.


It is really easy to make shopping into a sport. A social activity. An outlet for stress. A way of taking control.


But it is that mindset which left my bookshelves overflowing, my closet heaving and myself still feeling empty.


A part of me wished I could do it better. If only I could make my life a little simpler. I wished I could find contentment with what I already had.



Then I came across another documentary, “Before the Flood.” In which Leonardo DiCaprio urges us to become aware of the impact we are having on the planet and to take action to prevent further harm.


With any emotive film, book or TV series, I am quick to jump on board their crusade. I want to do my bit. I want to take charge of my destiny. I want to feel like I have a teensy tiny bit of control or a say in how these things pan out.


So I felt the crushing weight of responsibility for my actions. I recognised my bad habits were impacting more than just myself but also the planet I called home and I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing about it.


I am not one who subscribes to the ‘this job is too big for me so I won’t do anything at all’ philosophy. No way. If I can make a change, no matter how small, you bet I will.


So first of all I got thinking about what is most important to me. These things would be the focus for my simple living goals, the hooks I would prop my coat on.


The things I value:


People. The relationships I have in my own life but also the indirect ones I am a part of as a consumer.

I wanted to be more intentional about who I spent time with, who I bought products from and who I followed on social media.


The planet. I love nature and being outdoors. I love that the country I live in is so beautiful and that we have the opportunity to appreciate forests, lakes and mountains that people travel from all around the world to see.

I wanted to be mindful of the products I purchased and the way they were processed so that I could help prevent further damage to our precious planet.


My health. I have spent a long time fighting against my body and I finally am in a place where I appreciate it for all of the marvelous ways it enables me to live.

I wanted to do more of what makes me feel good. I wanted to take care of myself so that I could live life to the fullest.


simple living, easy ways to make life simpler, incorporating mindfulness into everyday, how to practice mindfulness, intentional living, living intentionally, environmental conscious, social conscious, simple living philosophy,


With those things in mind I decided I needed to take action and make some changes. Thus my new philosophy for life was formed.


My simple living philosophy…


“To be intentional about the way I live in order to minimise my impact on the planet and others. To sacrifice convenience for the benefit of quality time, compassion and overall well-being. To live in a way that makes me so excited about the now that I forget about the not yet.”


Making tiny changes to my lifestyle has had a huge impact on the way I feel. I believe that when we live authentically, in a way that remains true to our core beliefs, we can stop fighting ourselves and find contentment.


So these are a few super easy things I have done to incorporate my simple living philosophy into my everyday life. Perhaps these are things you might like to try also…


How to make your life a little bit simpler:


Start composting-

I just started gathering food scraps and heaping them in a pile in our backyard. Then I would take that compost and return the nutrients to the soil in my garden. From nature to nature.

A lot of people think that food will decompose in the landfill but that isn’t actually true. Food scraps are trapped among the rubbish and unable to get enough oxygen to biodegrade.


Buy sustainable beauty products-

I’ve been working on buying products without palm oil and that come in recyclable packaging. I already have a strong appreciation for bar soap and I am keen to try out solid shampoo and conditioner bars.


Unfollow people who make you feel icky-

Stop comparing yourself to others. Only follow people who uplift you, inspire you or bring you joy.


Eat less meat- 

The agricultural industry is a huge contributor to global pollution and there is some speculation as to whether we should be eating as much animal protein as we currently do. I’m trying to include at least one vegetarian meal per week and when I do eat meat, I want it to be better quality.


Try growing your own vegetables-

I started this in order to better appreciate the effort required to get food onto my plate. I also wanted to become reacquainted with the lost art of preparing all elements of a meal by hand.


Buy secondhand first-

I absolutely love a bargain. But I also love that shopping secondhand first means less waste is created. We simply use what already exists.


Spend less time online- 

Find joy in being present wherever you are. Take less photos and spend more time actually enjoying the moment.


Buy quality products-

If I do purchase something new then I usually will spend a little more in order to get something of better quality. Because in the long run, quality products tend to last longer.


Reduce your plastic use-

The amount of plastic we produce is insane. Especially for products that get used once and then thrown away. So anything that can be used in place of plastic and reused is brilliant.


De-clutter your physical spaces-

Clear out your closet, your pantry or the backseat of your car. Make space so that you can actually breathe. This means you will also know what you have/what you need and can avoid over purchasing.


Be intentional with relationships-

Put down your phone when you are with someone. Make time to see old friends. Call or message often. Be the one who makes the first move.


Eat seasonally-

Learn what foods are in season then shop around for the best deals. Eating seasonally saves you money and means less environmental cost due to shipping from the other side of the world.


Support decent brands- 

If possible, make purchases from smaller, local businesses. Support brands that do good, and care about their workers and their environmental impact.


simple living, easy ways to make life simpler, incorporating mindfulness into everyday, how to practice mindfulness, intentional living, living intentionally, environmental conscious, social conscious, simple living philosophy,


And this is just the start of it. There are so many more things we can do to make our lives simpler and more intentional. If you want a little help getting started then check out the 7 days to mindful living challenge I released just last week.


Basically, it all comes back to awareness. Being aware of the impact, positive and negative, that you have on everyone and everything around you.

What little things do you do to make your life simpler?