Daring to be vulnerable and my fear of feeling joy

Behind every sun lit tree there is a lurking shadow.  

Beyond every summer breeze there lies a winter chill.   


No matter where I try to run, the sadness seems to chase me.  

It’s a cumulus cloud, a tenacious oppressor,  

Always on my tail.  


All that is good is tainted by the darkness.  

Everything sweet is shadowed by bitter.  

All that is living is fleeing from decay.


These shadows they haunt us,  

A reminder that everything is ephemeral.  


The flowers will fade.

The grass will wither.   

Our skin will become dust.  

And these shadows too shall pass.  


There is a feeling that rises within me every time I feel great joy. A sense of haunting sadness and a chilling panic. A cloud that sweeps across the clear blue sky and leaves goosebumps on my skin.


An awareness that soon the joy will pass. Without notice, the blinding happiness could be taken from me.


So I am quick to extinguish the joy rather than dwell on it. My mind scurries to latch the windows and draw the curtains.


I have this firm belief that it is better to shield myself than feel these overwhelming emotions.


So I smother them. The darkness and the light. The joy and the grief.


Brené Brown talks about this concept as a shield of armor we use to protect ourselves from feeling vulnerable. She calls this sensation, foreboding joy. In those moments of absolute bliss we are exposed, laid bare and defenseless.


When we feel love, connection or a sense of purpose, we are vulnerable because we have something to lose.


So rather than taking our time and sitting in the joy, we trample over it quickly with fear and sadness.

We picture these worst case scenarios. Our partner leaves us, one of our parents passes away, we lose our jobs, our plane goes down.


We prepare ourselves for the worst instead of living our best.


We think it is safer to keep our expectations low so that we won’t have to face the awful pain of disappointment.


I didn’t realise how often I was doing this until I recently read Brené’s book, Daring Greatly. I thought this shield of foreboding joy was just another idiosyncrasy I possess. That for me, everything was just a little bit tainted by sadness.


But as it turns out, I’m not the only one who lives this way. Darting from joy and dwelling on sadness.


It’s just another way that we try to escape that missing-the-last-step-stomach-drop feeling that comes with vulnerability.


None of us are particularly fond of the delicate balancing act we must undertake in order to find connection and meaning in this life. Wearing our hearts on our sleeves, sharing our art with the world, showing up wherever we go.


There is so much at stake. Sometimes the risk feels like too much to ask.


I’d rather stay in bed than face the fear of rejection or open myself up to the judgement and criticism of others. 


Unfortunately, as I’ve got older I have come to realise that all the best bits in life require vulnerability.


Those laughing-until-you-can’t-breathe friendships. That flying feeling of sharing something you’ve created with complete strangers. The dizzy dancing rush of saying I love you for the first time. Blushing when someone compliments your cooking. Traveling some place not yet explored and losing your sentiment in translation. 


vulnerability, feeling vulnerable, feeling joy, courage, brave, daring greatly, brene brown, inspirational, motivational, joy, intentional living


I used to hide from the joy because I wasn’t brave enough to reach that depth of vulnerability.


But now that I recognize this problem I’m striving to have the courage to feel joy.


Whenever I find myself softened by happiness, instead of allowing the sinking feeling of weakness to set in,  I’m practicing the art of gratitude.

Giving thanks in that moment for the joy. Taking time to lean out onto the ledge, the uncomfortable, unknown abyss that stretches before me.


Observing the way it makes me want to squirm and choosing to bravely trek onwards regardless.


So I’ll hug my friends extra tightly. I’ll smile even wider at the words I write. I’ll unclench my fists and relax my tense shoulders.


This is what it means to love loudly, to live wholeheartedly.


We share all of ourselves with others. Every last messy, imperfect bit. We know that vulnerability is strength not weakness so we force the shadows back and allow ourselves to feel the light.


I know now that feeling joy is incredibly courageous. It’s so very brave to allow ourselves to dive headfirst into such a powerful and unpredictable emotion.


But in the end both the joy and the sadness teach us what is truly valuable in life.


I consider it a privilege to feel sadness and to fear loss because it means I have something worth fighting for, living for, and loving with all I have.


For me, daring greatly means dropping my shield and welcoming the joy even though it terrifies me. That’s the most challenging, audacious and rewarding work that can be done.

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  • Claire B.

    This is brilliant. I do this all the time; whenever I’m really happy, worrying that it will be taken away from me. I didn’t realize it was a common problem. Being joyful does take vulnerability, although I’ve never thought of it that way before. What a brilliant insight!

    June 30, 2018 at 6:52 am Reply
    • Megan Hallier

      I really thought I was the only one who did this so it was such an “ah-ha!” moment to realize why I did it and that others do too!

      July 9, 2018 at 4:34 pm Reply
  • Emily Swanson

    This is precious. Megan, I think that was what was holding me back this past year when God brought a relationship with a young man into my life. I was afraid of the joy, the intimacy of a relationship, the vulnerability, that springing out into the light with all my hidden, broken but healing parts, and this is exactly what I’ve been learning. The more loudly we love the more rewarding and painful it is. Yet it is SO worth it because Jesus loved us so sweetly, so loudly, so strongly. Thank you for baring your heart megan. <3

    July 1, 2018 at 10:55 am Reply
    • Megan Hallier

      It is such a scary and difficult thing to be vulnerable with people especially when there is that fear of rejection there. I hope you’ll get the chance to keep bravely choosing to show people who you really are. <3

      July 9, 2018 at 4:35 pm Reply
  • Christina @ Hugs and Lattes

    Daring Greatly is changing my life right now! As soon as I started to read your post I thought, “Foreboding joy! That’s what Brene talks about!” (We’re on a first name basis now – Brene & I.) And then I scrolled and saw that you have been reading Daring Greatly, too! This book is honestly going on my life-changing shelf. Practicing gratitude is a great way to combat foreboding joy. <3

    July 25, 2018 at 1:22 am Reply
    • Megan Hallier

      You’re a little bit late on the Brene Brown train, I am surprised! Daring Greatly has been my favourite book I’ve read of hers so far. Every page felt like it explained so much of my struggles in life!

      August 14, 2018 at 2:25 pm Reply
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    […] in our heads. And according to Brene, the antidote to this miserable way of thinking, is gratitude. Daring to be vulnerable and choosing to feel the joy over the […]

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